How Custom Are Our Custom Gates?

By Hansen Architectural Systems
In Gates

How custom are our custom gates? Very!

We custom match each gate system to your Hansen railing system. That matching rounds out the whole railing system.

Our specialists work closely with design professionals and hardware vendors to create gate solutions that solve even the trickiest entry control challenges.

Specialty Hardware

Need combination locks, panic devices, electronic locks, or a specific closing mechanism? We can fit specialty hardware to meet all of those needs.

Types of Gates

Do you need a vehicle gate on one end of the property, a pedestrian gate, and a railing gate? We design all of those, and we can match their styles to bring the design together.


We offer Class I anodized coatings and marine-grade, powder coatings to match your gate to your Hansen railing system.

Custom Gate Gallery

Check out a selection of the designs we’ve produced.

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